Milan Obsession

Birthday Blues



Milan are celebrating their 119th birthday having just crashed out of the Europa League and then being slapped with sanctions from UEFA. Not the birthday gifts we were hoping for, but at least not playing in the Europa League might help curb our injury crisis. It’s enough to give anyone the holiday blues. With nothing to celebrate, we needed twice the star power, so we invited both David and Pete to be on the podcast this time. You can follow David @DavidLSwan on Twitter and Pete at @PDAcquaviva on Twitter. Together, we lamented and laughed about: News of the Week: new player, small profit, new head of scouting, new CEO, nomination, godless January, Curva milestone, happy birthday Match Reviews: reviews of recent matches FFP Sanctions: discussing the new sanctions Coming up: upcoming matches, lesson in timezones Thanks again to both David and Pete for blessing us with their wit and wisdom. To further bless your lives, follow them on Twitter @DavidLSwan and @PDAcquaviva.