Pain Reframed | Physical Therapy | Pain Management

100. Introducing Our New Co-Hosts | Jeff Moore, Tim Flynn, Liz Peppin, Adam Ryan



We're celebrating our 100th episode this week! To mark this special occasion, and stay true to our mission of creating an interdisciplinary conversation about pain, we're bringing two new co-hosts on to Pain Reframed. Tim and Jeff will continue to host episodes, but Liz Peppin and Adam Ryan will take over for them once a month. This week, Jeff and Tim discuss their hopes for the next 100 episodes of Pain Reframed, Adam and Liz introduce themselves, and one of our hosts shares a very personal story that reminds us why we're on a mission to change the conversation around pain in America. LINKS: Listen to Adam's first episode here Listen to Liz's first episode here  Join us for a course near you Twitter - @ISPITeam