Pain Reframed | Physical Therapy | Pain Management

50: Pain Reframed PSA | The Truth About Opioid Effects



We’ve got something new and special for you this week on Pain Reframed! Welcome to the Pain Reframed PSA! In these episodes, we will be taking an important recent finding/article/etc. and talking directly to the public rather than trying to speak only to clinicians. Then we’ll ask you to share this important topic with your communities. In this first installment of the Pain Reframed PSA, we discuss a pragmatic trial (vs. a prescriptive trial) from the Journal of American Medical Association about moderate to severe chronic back, hip, or knee pain that has been going on for more than six months and the effect of opioid use vs. non-opioid use. We discuss the findings on this information and how you can utilize this in your personal care if this is something you deal with or someone you know deals with. Don’t forget to save the date: June 8-10, 2018 in Denver, Colorado, the Align Conference will be taking place, focusing on neuropathic (nerve) pain.  All of the various concepts of calming the nerves down will be