Real Estate Investing Profits Master Series With Cory Boatright

Episode 73: Aaron Chapman Mortgage Loan Officer Extraordinaire



My guest today is LEGENDARY. He is crushing it right now in the mortgage industry. He closed over 700 deals last year! Aaron Chapman is one of the best mortgage loan officers, but don’t expect today’s podcast to be a stuffy banking episode. Aaron isn’t your ordinary mortgage broker - his beard is almost two feet long! But it’s not just his appearance that’s different, it’s his whole approach to real estate investing. Aaron’s created a niche for himself that really sets him above the rest of the mortgage industry. From a real estate investing standpoint it’s really refreshing to see a mortgage broker who really understands us. He understands the mindset of a real estate investor and communicates this understanding to universities, banking firms, even his own clients. He’s creating a whole new community of understanding that’s bound to change the real estate landscape for years to come, and he’s sharing a bit of that experience with us today. Aaron is working with investors looking to build their own real estat