Real Estate Investing Profits Master Series With Cory Boatright

Episode 72: Greg Helbeck Secret Genealogist Real Estate Gold



Welcome back to the Real Estate Investing Profit Masters podcast! My guest today is really going to blow your mind. Greg Helbeck is only 23 years old but he is killing it with virtual real estate investing. That’s right - I said VIRTUAL. Greg is living in San Diego while working deals in New York and Texas. In fact, we’re doing a deal in Dallas together and that’s why I’m so excited to bring him on the show. Greg’s real estate investment strategy may surprise you. He’s out there using a genealogist to close on some real hairy deals. Greg breaks down his strategy for getting through some of the most dramatic real estate deals I’ve ever heard of. But what’s really going to impress you is how much he’s learned during this process. As investors, we know this business isn’t easy, and sometimes it isn’t very nice either. Greg had his own doubts about himself and his abilities simply because of his age. How did he overcome this age bias and really start believing in himself? You’ll have to listen to today’s episode