Real Estate Investing Profits Master Series With Cory Boatright

Episode 71: Joe and Matt Maximum Exposure with Podcasting and Traffic



Buckle your seatbelts, party people! Today’s episode of Real Estate Investment Profit Masters is taking a different turn. I’ve brought on two of my good friends, Matt Wolfe and Joe Fier from the Hustle and Flowchart Podcast, to talk about how you can start your very own podcast. It might sound weird, I know. Real estate investing and podcasting? Whodathunk? But it’s seriously one of the best marketing strategies you can use as a real estate investor to get maximum exposure and authentically build your business. I know most of you are already familiar with all the different online and offline forms of marketing, but today is the today you should really consider podcasting. Podcasting is still in its infancy, meaning you have a lot of opportunities to mold it around your unique brand and profit master strategy. I brought Matt and Joe here today specifically because their podcast is angled at entrepreneurs and small business owners like you and me. They know what it’s like to start a podcast from the ground up,