Real Estate Investing Profits Master Series With Cory Boatright

Episode 69: Will Denker Impact Investing



My guest today looks like a wholesaler on the surface, but what Will Denker really brings to this industry is an IMPACT. He calls his real estate investment strategy “impact investing”. He focuses on really getting to know the client, going beyond just providing a service and really touching their lives and - you guessed it: making a real impact! Will is making a name for himself in the Houston area by offering his clients more than just a fast sell and a fast close. He’s a hands on sort of guy, with experience in rehabbing and remodeling, and he loves to bring that hands-on experience to his client relationships. This kind of experience, combined with his epic empathy levels, makes Will a really special kind of investor. He talks today about ways you can give more without missing out on your business goals. Because his empathy doesn’t just end with the client. Everyone on Will’s team is appreciated in their own way, and Will shares the ways other investors can truly invest in the heart of their real estate b