Real Estate Investing Profits Master Series With Cory Boatright

Episode 68: Nick Aalerud New England Investing Master



If you’ve been following my podcast like I know you have, then you already know that every successful real estate investor has fallen down more times than they can count. Failure is always an option. Success feels great, sure, but it’s only when we fail that we actually learn the biggest lessons. That’s why I brought Nick Aalerud onto the Real Estate Investment Profit Master Podcast. He didn’t become a profit master overnight. He had to lose $400,000 first before he learned the ins and outs of this business. And the advice he offers today will be invaluable to all of you up-and-coming investment masters listening in. Nick used to be an investment banker in Boston, and he’ll be the first to tell you that the job sounds way more glamorous than it actually is. The grind quickly turned into 80 hour work weeks, and no one can sustain that for too long. As a joke, Nick answered one of those late night real estate infomercials. And while it may not have been the most fruitful decision at first, it ultimately changed