Real Estate Investing Profits Master Series With Cory Boatright

Episode 61: Nick and the 7 Hour Book



I’m changing it up a little bit on today’s episode of the Profit Master Podcast. Typically I bring on amazing real estate investors to share their profit master strategies, but today I’m talking to Nick Raithel. He’s the creator of Content Corps, and he helps expert investors like you write and sell their own books. Think about it – a book can be your own personal business card. You could sell it at conventions or carry it with you to meetings. Writing a book is a great way to help your expertise go viral and really position yourself as an authority in real estate. Are people always asking you how you do what you do? Do you find yourself giving advice to other people more often than not? I was always experiencing that, and that’s why I wrote my own book. Having a book is amazing way to start a conversation and find leads for your business. Clients are more likely to trust an investor who’s published a book or two, and you’ll establish yourself as an authority in real estate investment just by sharing what you