Real Estate Investing Profits Master Series With Cory Boatright

Episode 59: Skip Tracing with Larry Higgins



Today’s episode is a little bit different because I’m talking to Larry Higgins, a skip tracing genius. He’s got his own company – Skip Genie – where his team helps other real estate agents do all of their skip tracing. For those of you who don’t know, skip tracing is a way to find sellers. These sellers are usually hard to find because their properties are what Larry calls “distressed”. These are vacant properties, tax delinquent properties, or properties where owners are deceased and the estate is looking to sell. If you can skip trace correctly and connect with these unique sellers, you can catch some amazing deals. You’re going to be surprised at Larry’s investing profit strategy. He absolutely hates direct mailers (even though his company deals with a lot of mailers!), but his unique perspective really gives him up a leg-up in this industry. He can connect real estate agents like you with skip trace sellers looking to sell ASAP. His secret is automation. Your mailers combined with his searching techniques