Real Estate Investing Profits Master Series With Cory Boatright

Episode 53: Joe McCall Lease Option Mastery



Ever feel like you’re getting too caught up in this business sometimes? The market is always changing. There’s so much information coming at us all the time. We can barely keep up! We think we have to learn it all, do it all, when really all it takes is that one first step. Get your head on straight and follow your gut. Deciding on a path and seizing it is a surefire way to get yourself better organized! This is your business and it’s motivated by you and your faith in doing exactly what you need to do. My guest today is Joe McCall. He’s going to break down his strategy for wholesale leasing options deals, but he’s also going to discuss how to balance your time, your tenants, and your business. Joe does his research and finds the perfect neighborhoods for his investments. He calculates his most comfortable income and only creates deals that fit within that spectrum. His strategy also avoids the two major pitfalls real estate investors succumb to. Failing to pre-screen tenants is a major part of today’s podcas