Real Estate Investing Profits Master Series With Cory Boatright

Episode 48: Paul Moore Wellingscapital Create Multifamily Investing Wealth



I am amped about today’s episode of REIP. I haven’t been this excited for an interview in a really long time. My guest today is totally changing the scene through his investment strategies and his faith, and I couldn’t be more psyched to have him on today. Paul Moore is the real estate investor behind Smith Mountain Homes and Wellings Capital, and he’s got the perfect balance between earning and giving back. This interview is one of my favorites, so strap in and get ready to have your mind blown. And please watch us on the video because Paul’s got amazing charts and graphs that really illustrate how his multi-family investing strategy works. Paul started out flipping properties like the rest of us, but how he got into multi-family investing is really interesting. He shares today how he launched an entrepreneurial venture in Detroit, got bored, and started flipping houses before flipping was even a thing. He started with mobile homes and moved up into waterfront properties. Things got tough when the housing bu