Real Estate Investing Profits Master Series With Cory Boatright

Episode 47: Scott Meyers Self Storage Investin



My guest today is not your traditional fix and flip guy. He’s not even a wholesaler. Scott Meyers applied his winning real estate investment strategy to self-storage! Which is amazing to think about because many of us have probably never even considered self-storage as an option. But for investing, self-storage is extremely lucrative. And in today’s episode Scott Meyers shares his strategies and how self-storage investment is practically recession proof. Scott did get his start with wholesales, short sales, and rentals, but with the dot-com crash in the late 90s and the housing crashing in the mid-2000s, Scott wanted to try something different. He was sick of taking the risks on the banks and the tenants and knew there had to be a safe way to do what he loved in real estate while minimizing the risk to his investments. He listened to his wife and decided to invest in storage units. He’s developed and purchased over 5000 units, out in the middle of nowhere, all across the country, and now he’s looking to devel