Real Estate Investing Profits Master Series With Cory Boatright

Episode 40: Frank Cava Fix and Flip Master Teacher



My guest today – Frank Cava – is easily one of my favorite people. We met awhile back as part of our mastermind group, and we’ve been swapping secrets ever since. I’m excited to have him on the show today because his particular real estate investment strategy is killing it in three different markets right now: rentals, fix-and-flips, and wholesale. How can one guy do so much? Not only is he one of the smartest guys I know (seriously, listen to him break down the numbers), he’s also one of the best guys to work with and for. [youtube][/youtube] Frank says he owes his success to the fact that he runs his business like a real business and not like a hobby. He’s got a real office and a real staff - a team of 9 that he’s hired, trained, and still manages, and he talks today about what it’s like to take the time to build a team like that. Firstly, you have to be honest about what you know and what you don’t know. Only then will you be able to find the right people to fill in the gaps of