Real Estate Investing Profits Master Series With Cory Boatright

Episode 32: Kirby Atwell Chicago Fix and Flipping iCandy Machine



Kirby Atwell from iCandy Homes is on the podcast today! This guy got his feet wet in realty with a rental property in Hawaii when he was still in the military, and now he’s winning clients with bandit signs. Who’d have thought you could turn over million-dollar properties with old-school marketing like that? He’s sharing that strategy and few of his other profit-making secrets today, and you’re definitely going to learn how you can apply modern marketing to the tried-and-true methods of our business. [youtube][/youtube] Something as easy as SEO keywords can transform your signs into the pull you need. Kirby shares how one simple word like “fast” on a bandit sign totally skyrocketed his client list. He surveyed his clients and asked them directly why the sign was effective and it completely revamped his approach to marketing. Kirby’s ability to work with the psychology of this business is what really helps him nail these big sales. He’s all about talking, negotiating, and vetting. T