Trufaux Sho

007-John Brisson



I was trolling thru Grimerica's chats the other day for mental bits to feed the ego's data addiction and who should appear but John Brisson. Wow! Jack Pot, Bingo and Yahtzee! Come on guys there's more than enough to go around, the sheer depth of this guy's research is gonna take some time to savour and digest. So, Bon Appetit!   00:00 - Intro music by @BillyBon3s 00:02 - Walter Bosley on Grimerica 00:03 - The Misadventures of Baron Trump The Last President 00:05 - Fix Your Gut (Free book code Trufaux) 00:11 - Biodynamic Agriculture 00:35 - CNP 00:40 - Bar U Ranch 00:42 - ANWR 00:45 - Presidential Executive Order