Wall St For Main St

Welcome to Dystopia Episode 32: Markets Will Reel as Corruption Rages



Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St and managing editor of The News Doctors and independent financial journalist, Eric Dubin are back for Episode #32 of Welcome to Dystopia. In this episode Jason and Eric discuss how the bullion banks and other manipulators may be hitting precious metal shares harder than paper metals prices to create a divergence to spook out the big money trend traders and hedge funds from going long anything gold and silver. Jason and Eric also discuss looming supply problems in terms of replacing reserves for precious metals miners and also how most miners are currently earning meager margins that are enough to not go bankrupt but also not enough to properly growth their business and adequately replace mined reserves. Eric says physical demand for gold out of China is much, much higher than mainstream gold analysts are reporting and we know this from reliable export data from Lindon/UK and Switzerland. Jason and Eric also discuss during this episode stock market valuations, Danielle Di