Wilder Research: Talking Through The Numbers

Collaborating across difference



Paul Mattessich talks with two guests about important considerations and challenges in building effective collaborations between organizations and communities. The discussion draws from Collaboration: What Makes it Work, A Review of Research Literature on Factors Influencing Successful Collaboration (3rd ed.), particularly the chapter focused on collaborating across difference, understanding culture, and navigating power dynamics. Guests include Kirsten Johnson, Director of Community Engagement & Systems Change at the Amherst H. Wilder Foundation, who co-authored the 3rd edition with Paul, and Vanne Owens Hayes, a Cultural Consultant and Health Educator serving the Twin Cities African-American community, who contributed to the chapter on collaborating across difference. Resources: Buy the book: https://www.turnerpublishing.com/books/detail/collaboration-3rd-edition/ Wilder Collaboration Resources: https://www.wilder.org/collaboration