San Dimas School Of Film

063: Big (1988)



Episode 63 is a big one! (pause for applause). This episode Libby Oldfield is taking us through the circuits of time back to 1988 to watch the comedy drama ‘Big’. We chat the loveable Tom Hanks, Brad's thinking of the parents, Tim's crying for at least a month and how long do you think it takes to pack a whole carnival up in torrential rain? If you have a moment, please give us a quick review on Itunes (Down down baby, down down the roller coaster. Sweet sweet baby, sweet sweet don't let me go. shimmy shimmy coco pop, shimmy shimmy rock, shimmy shimmy coco pop, shimmy shimmy rock.. I met a girlfriend- a Triscuit, she said a triscuit-a biscuit, ice cream soda pop vanilla on the top.. oooo Shalida, walking down the street, ten times a week I meant it. I said it. I stole my mama's credit. I'm cool. I'm hot. Sock you in the stomach three more times.) Email us at: Twitter: @Sdfspod Instagram: @Sandimasfilm Facebook: At SDSF, we acknowledge and are grateful to