San Dimas School Of Film

061: Rocky Saga pt 2 (feat. Dudi)



Oh we ain't done yet! It's time for part 2 of our Rocky saga episode! Still joined by a special guest and friend of the podcast Dudi Deutrom from ‘Shaken Not Nerd’. This episode focuses on Rocky 3 and 4. We discuss the cold war, Mr T, montages and yes, it's all done with bad Rocky impersonations! What more could you want? If you have a moment, please give us a quick review on Itunes (Ey… Ey.. Ey 5 stars come on ey.) Email us at: Twitter: @Sdfspod Instagram: @Sandimasfilm Facebook: At SDSF, we acknowledge and are grateful to our first storytellers, the Wurrunjuri people of the Kulin nation, the traditional custodians of the land we are recording on.