San Dimas School Of Film

048: Blade Runner (1982)With Shaken Not Nerd



Do androids listen to podcasts about electric sheep? Episode 48 is a big one where we are joined by the ever nerdy and hilarious Dudi and Tom from ‘Shaken Not Nerd’. The SNN lads are in control of the booth and are taking us through the circuits of time back to 1982 to watch the sci-fi adventure classic ‘Bladerunner‘. We discuss all the bloody versions of this film, the slow slow pacing… in all of them, we question the reasoning for human-like robots, Brads not convinced but wants to be and Dudi’s finally cracked and seen Bladerunner guys! Please if you have a moment to like and subscribe and leave us a review on Itunes (Only replicants give ratings less than 5 stars). Email us at: Twitter: @Sdfspod Instagram: @Sandimasfilm Facebook: