San Dimas School Of Film

035: Hunt For The Wilderpeople (2016)



It’s 2018! Well it’s already February and we’ve been totally MIA, but we’re back and ready to go for Episode 35!!! What a better way to start off the year than with a listener request! Jess Hill is in control of the booth and is taking us through the circuits of time back to 2016 to watch the New Zealand comedy drama, ‘Hunt for the Wilder People‘. We discuss Taika Waititi, New Zealand humour, classic grumpy Sam Neill, and a whole heap of other stuff we can’t quite remember right now. Please if you have a moment to like and subscribe and leave us a review on Itunes (also if you’re in Red Hill, try their apple juice, spectacular!). Email us at: Twitter: @Sdfspod Instagram: @Sandimasfilm Facebook: