Waste Books

Quarantine Daze #4: Siesa Shuman & Jana Richter; The Trash Gang (Michael & Bear Birdinground, Isaiah Demontiney) - 6/14/20



This is the podcast edition of our Sunday streaming show, Quarantine Daze. With a lack of concerts & other social gatherings we've decided to refocus our efforts on a regular stream featuring our friends, favorite local artists, and other movers/shakers in the Montana art community. Episodes include an interview section, a musical/poetical performance, and a gang bullshit session, usually in that order. For this episode we were stoked to have our activist friends Siesa Shuman & Jana Richter to talk about their experience organizing a vigil at Kirk's Grocery for George Floyd, and about broader issues of BIPOC experience in Billings. Then Isaiah Demontiney & Michael Birdinground present a beautiful poetry/noise piece. John "Bear" Birdinground tells an impassioned story about his experience growing up as a local native person. To finish we have a gang discussion, and end up drawing solid connections between indigenous & black experience in the modern American police state. Be sure to check out