Adventurefit Radio

Barry McDonagh On Challenging Anxiety, Psychedelic As Cures & Understanding Passion



Barry talks to us about the power of connections and how the modern world has changed us. He moves the topic onto passion then psychedelics. Finally, he touches on anxiety, how to challenge and understand it. Lots of insightful points. Enjoy! True is an Australian-based company that specializes in protein powder and sports nutrition supplements. They use only the best quality ingredients available from all corners of the world to deliver a premium product. When it comes to sports supplements that are all natural and, most importantly, are effective in giving you the competitive edge, go with TrueProtein. As a special offer from ADVF and TrueProtein, head on over to and use the code ‘ADVF’ to get 10% off on any of their products. This podcast is proudly supported by AdventureFit Travel. AdventureFit Travel is an adventure travel company for the fitness community. Head over to to check out all our trips, all our blogs from our blogging team, special offers and m