Adventurefit Radio

Simon Ho On Bio Tech, Human Evolution & The Great Leap Forward



Simon Ho is a computational evolutionary biologist interested in molecular clocks, evolutionary rates, phylogenetic methods, phylogenomics, and ancient DNA. He is a professor at the School of Life and Environmental Sciences at the University of Sydney. Simon tells us about his field and how he started out. He moves on to talk about humanity’s evolutionary past and explains genomes. They move on to talk about the great leap foward. We talk about humanity’s evolutionary past and continued evolution. Doc brings up mixing tech with biology, finishing with de-extinction, how genes affect behavior and Simon’s research on the molecular clock. Another great episode! It was great to have Simon and explore the field of evolutionary biology. Really enlightening with some splendid takeaways. This podcast is supported by Audible. Audible is home to the widest selection of digital audiobooks, including best-sellers, new releases, exclusives and much more. Listen anytime, anywhere on your tablet, mobile or desktop with our