Adventurefit Radio

Doc & Tommy On School Expulsion, Listener Questions & Shifting From Negative To Positive



Kicking off this episode, our hosts talk about recent TV series they’ve watched. Doc then shares on the books he’s read so far and then tells funny school days stories! Next up, Tom talks about his exciting new job. Moving forward, Doc gives time to answer a question sent by one of our listeners! Then our hosts go on to talk about morning routines, meditation and the the importance of writing, all this helping to shift from a negative to a positive mindset. Finally, we hear from Doc about the recently completed US tour and Tommy about the biggest thing he wants to do right now. Fun convo guys! Enjoy.  Show notes for this episode can be found at: This podcast is supported by Audible. Audible is home to the widest selection of digital audiobooks, including best-sellers, new releases, exclusives and much more. Listen anytime, anywhere on your tablet, mobile or desktop with our free app. Audible is offering listeners of AdventureFit Radio a free audiobook download with a free 3