

Wonder why your communication breaks down in your intimate and close relationships? Learn how the common text and subtext of so much of human talking makes it so hard to establish and maintain a sense of empathy and closeness. Beth presents her trademarked formula: Clean, Non-Blaming communication or CNBC, explaining how this four-step process helps you strengthen your parasympathetic nervous system. It can shift relationship, invite both participants into responsibility, and does it with respect and value for each. This is an overview of the rules, guidelines for the process, and a demonstration using a common conflict between people who live together. Not in a relationship? You can use this in ALL kinds of connections and even with friends and your children! Just you getting good at going through the steps will have major benefits! Near Cincinnati? Midlife Mating Seminar 110 on March 31st is a great place to explore this more, apply your unique situation and get some hands-on demonstration and practice. Go