Mac Os Ken

Mac OS Ken: 05.07.2012



Walmart Acknowledges Short Regional Pricing Errors for iPhone 4S Sprint CEO Foregoes $3.2-Million to Placate Investors Concerned About iPhone Subsidies Anandtech: 32nm A5 Processor Brings Improved Battery Performance to New iPad 2 Apple Files with WIPO for Control of Warner Bros. Adds 1080p HD Movies to iTunes Store Forbes Sees Sense (Though No Proof) in Longer iPhone Talk NPD DisplaySearch: iPad Tablet Lead to Shrink to 50-Percent by 2017 USFTC May Fine Google $10Million + for Circumventing the Safari Cookie-Block Judge Allows “Location-Gate” Lawsuit Against Apple to Proceed Apple Preps Last Updates Before Turning Java for Mac Over to Oracle Apple Credits OpenStreetMap in Latest iPhoto for iOS Update NYT: Amtrak Deploying iPhone Ticketing System This Summer ATSB Says iPhone Fire on Australian Plane Caused by Botched Screen Repair by Non-Authorized Vendor