Refusing To Settle

Carol Dweck on "Mindset" | 10 Best Ideas Book Summary



11 Questions That May Change Your Life: How do you learn new things without judging yourself, get on your own team, go from mediocrity to excellence? One simple shift can make all the difference - discovering it in this week's book review "MINDSET. The Psychology of Success" Mindset is an awesome book by Carol Dweck. This book summary and book review of "Mindset" will go over the BEST 10 IDEAS from Carol Dweck's book. You might also consider getting the full book or audiobook for this – it’s great. FULL BLOG POST: (coming soon) MP3 DOWNLOAD: (coming soon) GET THE BOOK: MASTER JOURNALING: ★★★ BIG 10 IDEAS ★★★ 1. FIXED MINDSET "A fixed mindset comes from the belief that your qualities are carved in stone – who you are is who you are, period. Characteristics such as intelligence, personality, and creativity are fixed traits, rather than something that can be developed." "NOW" mindset CHALLENGE avoids OBSTACLES gives up EFFOR