Refusing To Settle

Austin Kleon on “Steal Like An Artist” | 10 Best Ideas Book Summary



11 Questions That May Change Your Life: Let's talk about stealing shit. Why did The Beatles started as a cover band? Can you write a bestselling book with just 50 words? Why is “art” really “theft”? And good artists copy, but great artists really steal? These are 10 things no one told you about being creative. Steal Like An Artist is a great book by Austin Kleon. This book summary and book review of Steal Like An Artist will go over the BEST 10 IDEAS from Austin Kleon's book. You might also consider getting the full book or audiobook for this – it’s killer! Here are the best 10 ideas from “Steal Like An Artist” by Austin Kleon GET THE BOOK: MASTER JOURNALING: ★★★ BIG 10 IDEAS ★★★ (1:40) 1. NOTHING IS ORIGINAL Start viewing art as objective not subjective. There’s not “good ideas” or “bad ideas” - only ideas worth stealing & ideas not worth stealing. We can embrace influence, not run from it. When people call somethin