Refusing To Settle

CLARK DANGER: Top 40 Things I Learned in 2012 : Business & Passion



Here's the second episode on the Top 40 List! As you know, I'm HUGE on mindset. Each month I'll be going solo to bring you some of the biggest / most impactful / personal development ideas and practices. I hope you get something out of this week's session as I go through my top 8 things I learned about Business & Passion in 2012.  Success leaves clues. Why take one new massive goals when you haven’t even reflected upon this past year’s success? I guess that’s why I’ve never been good nor seen the point with “New Years Resolutions”. If you want to replicate ANY form of success, you need to REFLECT on WHY and HOW you were successful. It is for this reason I feel that it’s much more important to reflect upon what you’ve learned over the past year. It’s in the reflection that we are reminded of life’s lessons. As always: can’t WAIT to hear your feedback at the end! Which lessons did you connect with? Where in your life did you experience something similar? Real quick: I’d also like to note that I’m in no way