I'm Too Busy For Nutrition With Karl Pilz

6: FAKE Olive Oil, Are You Wasting $$?



Subscribe: iTunes | Stitcher Share Podcast: Facebook | Twitter Resources: SMOOTHIES: Get 6 yummy craving-killing weightloss smoothies FREE Villa Capalli Olive Oil (use discount code "Nutrition10" for a 10% discount) UC Davis Study: Lots Of Olive Oils Tested, Most Failed Overview: There are a LOT of shenanigans going on in the olive oil industry.  Big business is exploiting loopholes in labelling rules, and the result is that when you think your are buying olive oil, which you think is good for your health, you could be getting a product with lots of harsch chemicals added, and manufactured by processes that take the nutrition right out of them.  Here, we'll talk about how not to waste your money. What You'll Learn: The brain boosting benefits of olive oil The shenanigans that are going on with the olive oil industry How to pick out a quality olive oil How long olive oil will last Subscribe On iTunes | Subscribe On Stitcher Leave Us An iTunes Rating & Review