Women Taking The Lead With Jodi Flynn

066: Sheena Yap Chan on the Path to Self-Confidence



Sheena Yap Chan is a blogger and speaker whose sole purpose, drive and passion is to help women live a better life through entrepreneurship. She continues to inspire women through her blog; by showing marketing and social media tips as well as mindset tricks that will help women take away any blocks that is stopping holding them back from greatness. She also has a podcast helping women building up their self- confidence. It’s called The Tao of Self Confidence. Playing Small Moment Sheena was working at an office, and wanted to move on to a better job with higher pay. She shared this with a coworker and he told her she was already overpaid as a woman and she wasn’t going to find a better job, that she should just be happy where she was. Sheena believed him and stayed at that job for an additional ten years. The Wake Up Call After her break-up with an ex, Sheena was feeling pretty out of it. She joined a woman’s support group and through their support and activities, she was able to heal and see her true potent