Hungry Cliff Podcast

27: Candy Wrapper Toilets



Salt Water Trophies, Sour Vacuums, and Kit Cat Hair.   Get your candy before the show! The day has come (and gone) to celebrate the Earth. You won't hear any recycled conversations with us, from our personal trophy collections to Roomba Armies, no gab conservation going on here. You won't want to miss out on spoiler etiquette and candy obsessions. Plus, the Rock, Paper, Scissor Tournament to end all (of those kind of) tournaments! Still no winner for our 4 Wordz 4 U contest puzzle. There's a cool prize of some sort waiting for you if you figure it out. Email Tony to win it all!   Spoiler Alert: G.I. Joe: Retaliation   Media: Dave Matthews Spoiler Shield   Board games: Yomi By David Sirlin Sirlin Games 2 players   Weekly Recipe: Baked Kale Chips Ingredients: Bag of Kale, Olive Oil, Salt, Pepper, Garlic, other seasonings. Directions: Pre-heat oven to 375. Put ripped kale into tupperware bowl, sprinkle with olive oil and season to liking. Spread across baking sheet evenly and put into oven for 10-12 minutes. Rem