Hungry Cliff Podcast

12: The Hungry Grift Driftcast



Tom Cruise is finally tall enough, Michelle Branch loves Kid Rock and David breaks into the construction biz (all thanks to his knowledge of Jazz)! You've spent the last 3 weeks pulling your hair out over exams, you now officially have $80,000 in student loans AND you live at home with your parents (*cough* Andrew). So, what are you actually planning on doing with that college degree? David explains how he's been using his Bachelor's Degree in 'Music and Jazz Studies' to further his haunted house construction career! Tony demands us to look at Tom Cruise ONLY if he's on real 70mm film. Plus, Andrew talks about shooting 78 bands in 48 hours and reads a few emails from our Hungry Cliff fans (Hungry Cliff'tonauts? Hungry Cliff'ians? Hungry Cliff'toids'?)! Don't forget you can support Hungry Cliff by going to our Shop at the top of our page or by using our Amazon and iTunes Search Boxes at the top-right of our blog. Also, Like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and subscribe to the podcast in iTunes so you do