Dharma Talk With Henry Winslow

DT 064: Down to Business with Henry Winslow



[BONUS EPISODE] This week, the tables have turned, and I'm in the hot seat for an interview with Amy McDonald, spiritual business coach, yoga teacher, and host of the Abundant Yoga Teacher Podcast. Our wide-ranging conversation covers topics including but not limited to: The origins and mission of modern-day yoga championships Reconciling the reality of abuse and trauma in the yoga system with the value of the underlying teachings Why I created Dharma Talk, and what I love about podcasting Embracing entrepreneurship as a yoga teacher, and integrating yogic values into a conscious business Links from this episode: Listen to the original episode of the Abundant Yoga Teacher Podcast, and be sure to subscribe, rate, and review if you like what Amy is doing AmyMcDonald.com.au — Grow your yoga business with Amy McDonald