
Disability Advocacy & Counselling, Working together



In Australia we live in a world of 'Royal Commissions'. Currently, the conversations are around the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability (known as the Disability Royal Commission). To dive into this further, So...Podcast is joined by two prominent people in the disability advocacy and trauma-informed counselling space. Mary Mallet is the CEO of the Disability Advocacy Network Australia (DANA), which is the peak body for independent disability advocacy in Australia. Dr Cathy Kezelman AM is the President of Blue Knot Foundation which is the National Centre of Excellence for Complex Trauma. Blue Knot operates the National Counselling and Referral Service for people with disability who have experienced violence, abuse, neglect or exploitation. The Disability Royal Commission emerged in response to the years of advocacy and self-advocacy work that aimed to create a platform where people could share their stories and have them heard. It's not surprising that