Off Script With Trish Glose

Episode 135 : "Resiliency, Mother's food, and polish the apple"



Trish chats it up with the owner and Executive Chef of Mother's Bistro Bar in Portland, Oregon. Born and raised in Philadelphia, Lisa Schroeder talks about growing up in a Jewish family and that cooking is simply in her blood. Before she was born, her mother owned a small, but wildly successful restaurant and Lisa would tend to adopt neighborhood Jewish families for Friday Sabbath dinners. She moved to Israel at a young age, got married and pregnant and moved back to the states before her husband could get drafted for the Israeli army. After several years of being in an abusive marriage, she got out and started creating a life for herself. Lisa kept coming back to cooking, doing catering on the side, and said it all started to take shape when she went to culinary school. "Mother's" was an idea 8-years in the making and her story is one of resiliency, courage, strength and focusing on the lessons learned when life deals you blow after blow. As she stated over and over, her restaurant and everything she