Dr. Jim Richards

4. What I Look Llike in My Dreams



Sadly, we have been influenced to make decisions and resolutions around behavior alone. We decide to do or not do something with the hope of improving our lives. At least 25% of New Year’s resolutions are broken in the first week, many within the first 24 hours! Why do we find ourselves going back to the same behavior when we so desperately want to experience change? Maybe after we decide the behavior we need to decide if we want to be the person who can live that behavior. Jesus taught us to count the cost of our decisions. The cost we do not factor into most of our choices and the primary decision we must make is, “Do I want to be the person who lives in a way that supports this behavior change?” The question, “Who do I want to be?” must be answered before the question, “What do I want to do?” If you cannot see yourself being the person who walks in the new choices you have made, you will never be able to live those choices. Join me this week as we discover the biblical reality that our identity must prece