Rollin' Dice

Episode Twenty One: Epic Thunderbird Wars of the Ghost Blitz



It's the twenty first episode of the Rollin' Dice Show! This week Andy and Richard are by themselves, just like the good old days when they had no idea what they were doing. In a slight change to your usual programmed content Andy and Richard start off the show by discussing the article "Tabletop Gaming has a White Male Terrorism Problem," and how it's important to be open to listening to different experiences in the hobby and actually take them on board, whether you like what you hear or not. As two straight white men there's nothing we can say about what it must be like for women or people of colour in the hobby that wouldn't be better said by someone else, but just be good to people and accept that there's a world outside the one you know. We then move on to three games we've been playing recently: touching on our first impressions of the decidedly difficult Thunderbirds, discussing what it's like playing the silly and cutthroat Epic Spell Wars at a varying number of players, and waxing lyrical about the