New Music By Karlheinz Essl

Panta Rhei (2006) - generative sound environment for Jürgen Messensee



Excerpt of an aquatic soundscape for Jürgen Messensee's installation „Piscina di Venere” in the rotunda of the Essl Museum in Vienna/Klosterneuburg (Austria) in 2006. Info: Water in its diverse aggregate states and forms of flowing is the basic acoustic material for this piece, which is permanently scanned, altered in its corporality and continuously recomposed through a random-based compositional algorithm. Here the form and energy distribution of a wave serve as the fundamental formal principle: the rising and falling of the sounds, the glissando movements and the spectral sound shifts are controlled by a time-variant wave model, the parameters of which are constantly changed by random operations. In this way, a process is set in motion that eludes any kind of external control and is carried out before the ears of the listeners like a natural phenomenon: "panta rhei" - everything flows.