Mold Firm

Do Different Mold Species Require Different Amounts of Moisture? | Atlanta Toxic Mold Lawyers



Carson Jeffries: Good morning, I'm Carson Jeffries with the Mold Firm and I'm here today with a long-time friend and owner of Air Allergen & Mold Testing. Richard Johnson: My name is Richard Johnson, and I'm the President/CEO of Air Allergen & Mold Testing. Absolutely, we can tell by the kind of molds that are in the environment whether or not they have had problems with high humidity, for instance. Because all mold needs to grow is oxygen, food, and moisture. And if you can hold the humidity down below around fifty percent, you're going to retard the growth of almost all mold spores. But that's just not possible here in Atlanta, unless you use dehumidifiers, particularly during the summertime. So, in most homes, the environment for growing mold is there all summer long. Sometimes from April to November, they have an environment that mold can grow in.