Profitable Farmer

Episode 27 - The three main reasons farmers make world class investors



Being an entrepreneurial farmer today can be tough. There seems to be more work and less time to get things done...and you need to devote even more energy into running your business than ever before. And despite all that...most farmers are barely getting by financially. They still worry about: How they’ll make it through the current season Whether they’ll lose the farm that’s been in their family for generations, and If they’ll be able to retire, of they’ll have to keep working until they’re 99 to pay the bills That’s why I want you invite you to a free podcast interview called ‘The three main reasons farmers make world class investors’, where I had an honest chat about money and “getting ahead” with my friend and investment mentor, Terry Tran. (He’s the guy on the right in the photo below.) Terry’s the best guy I know when it comes to money advice. His system is simple but genius: minimise risk to maximise profits. Terry’s all about protecting yourself FIRST, eliminating the normal risks associate