Arcane Radio

Shannon Legro - Investigator, Radio Host and Author



I welcome investigator, radio host and author Shannon Legro to Arcane Radio. Shannon has been examining the paranormal since she was a teen, having had her own personal experience which started her on this path. And for the past several years, a focus on the phenomena that is Sasquatch. She strives to bring a fresh perspective and an open mind to the most intriguing mysteries in our universe. You can hear Shannon on 'Into the Fray Radio.' She has also been a guest-host on 'Midnight in the Desert.' You can see her in Small Town Monsters production 'On the Trail of Bigfoot' and as a part of other STM film productions. Her recent book is titled 'Beyond the Fray: Bigfoot.' Shannon's website is at Bigfoot Carries Injured Man Home in Smyth County, Virginia - Phantoms & Monsters Homepage - Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research Team - https://www.phantomsandmonste