Arcane Radio

Marcus Ellis - Crypto Researcher / Investigator - Arcane Radio



I welcome crypto researcher and investigator Marcus Ellis to Arcane Radio. Marcus conducts most of his work in his home state of Mississippi. After seeing the Patterson Bigfoot film and “The Legend Of Boggy Creek” as a child he has studied the world of Sasquatch ever since. He is one of the lead investigators for the Mississippi based research group MBEST, Mississippi Bigfoot Evidence Search Team. Marcus is also a member of Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research. However, his interests and knowledge do not stop with Bigfoot. He is well versed and knowledgeable over a vast area of subjects in the paranormal including UFO’S, alien abduction, ghost’s, demonology, and the Bermuda Triangle just to name a few. With ongoing research taking place at a hot spot known as Hell’s Gate he is working on a documentary about this frightening location. He is also a professional musician recording his first solo album. Upright 'Wolf' Humanoid Closely Observed in Bucks County, PA -