Leon Fontaine Podcast

Are You Still Conformed to the World



Are You Still Conformed to the World  Leon Fontaine November 22, 2020 - Drive-In Service   The greatest problem among believers is not being transformed in their mind.     Here are some signs of a poor soul 1) The lack of knowledge of the Bible Hosea 4:6 2) Being controlled by the desires of the flesh; sex, food, power, money etc. Romans 8:5 3) Being weak, indecisive or double minded. James 1:8 4) Fantasizing on negativity and feeling unable to control your thoughts. 2 Corinthians 10: 4-5 5) Refusing to change, defending past behaviour and making excuses for yourself. Proverbs 9: 7-9 6) Spending all your time on natural, earthly, material things. Colossians 3:1-2 7) Allowing emotions to control your attitudes and behaviours. Ephesians 4: 22-24 8)Allowing fear, anger, bitterness, gossip or negative thinking to consume you. Philippians 4:8   People who will not do the work of learning God‘s word till they own it believe it in their mind are easy prey the enemy of our souls     God created yo