Naked With Adele

Episode 27: Nathan McCree - Increase EQ with music



Naked with Adele CHAT SHOW presents: EPISODE 27 Increase EQ with Music NATHAN MCCREE VOL 2 OF 3 Adele Green interviews Nathan McCree, who shares his views of the true reason he started composing and how music can do nothing less than increase your EQ (emotional quotient). Nathan McCree is famous for composing the music for Tomb Raider in 1996. One day he was a music writer in the gaming industry and the next day his boss arrived at work with his new Ferrari.  He now lives in the Czech Republic and freelances worldwide composing audio, sound effects and voice overs. In the interview you will find out: How can music reduce stress and bring us emotional therapy Nathan shares how music can move what we feel What is emotional music? Tomb Raider allowed emotional music and story for the gamers What music Nathan McCree really wanted to compose? The link with the Spice Girls and women empowerment with Lara Croft The hidden value of technology, empowerment and emotional content What music install emotion? H