Call It What You Will Salinas

Delaine Eastin, Candidate for California Governor 2018



A special episode during the week as Dom sits down at the Brickhouse to speak with Delaine Eastin, candidate for California Governor in 2018.  Dom does his best to keep up with the gubernatorial candidate as she gives us her thoughts on the wide range of issues that California faces.  As a former Assembly member and only woman to be elected State Superintendent of Public Instruction in California, Delaine Eastin has a wide background of knowledge that you will hear in this episode.  Education is a topic you will hear about early and often in this episode as well as issues ranging from infrastructure spending, cannabis, and environmental protection.  Before Donald Trump, California had Pete Wilson, and Delaine Eastin was kind enough to give us some extra time to share how she stood against former Governor Pete Wilson and proposition 187 in the 1990s.  Enjoy this special episode with California Gubernatorial Candidate, Delaine Eastin. For more information on her candidacy, visit: Web:  http://www.delaineforgove