Call It What You Will Salinas

Sociology Club of Hartnell



4 members of the Sociology Club of Hartnell sat down with the show during finals week at Hartnell to talk about their involvement in social issues at Hartnell and the community.  Hear about the importance of Radio Bilingue, their work on the SalinasAlive program to reduce youth violence in Salinas, and an open mic event called Hartnell Throwdown that they put on.  All those issues and more such as the state of hip-hop today, the Hartnell high reputation vs the reality of students being able to be themselves more fully and become more involved in student groups that they feel speak to their needs on campus.  This was a great interview with students that show they are not disconnected with the world around them as some would think, they are just working on finding their own way through that world.  We will speak to them again at an open mic event to bring you more on what they are doing at Hartnell and in Salinas.