Biotechnology Focus Podcast

Pursuing cures and advancing innovation | 080



080 | Pursuing cures and advancing innovation   Welcome to another episode of Biotechnology Focus radio! I am your host – Michelle Currie – here to give you the rundown on what’s been happening on Canada’s biotech scene. It has been a busy last couple of weeks as the new genomics cloud platform was launched, a researcher from Roche Canada shares her input on future of innovation in cancer care, and the fight against cancer innovation trust invests almost half a mil in Ontario research technologies.   +++++  The world is opening up to the idea of genome sequencing. What was once a far-fetched idea is now beginning to materialize – and we are only at the tip of the iceberg. Information technology like Facebook, Google, Wikipedia and Uber are all prime examples of impactful software platforms that connect people with data that have set the stage for the next act.  When you look at where DNA sequencing began back in the 1970’s with the “Sanger sequencing method” as a process of determining the order of b